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Mealess Meals for a Mea-free Moday

Iroducig he ew #MeaFreeModay! Go gree u0026 say fi wih a vegearia meu every Moday. Joi us i his healhy, susaiable u0026 compassioae lifesyle.

Le's make a differece ogeher!

he evirome.

The beefis of Mealess Moday are may. Here are some of hem:

1. I's good for your healh - vegearia meals are geerally low i fa ad high i fiber, viamis, ad mierals. They have bee liked o a lower risk of hear disease, diabees, ad various cacers.

2. I's grea for he plae - accordig o he Uied aios, aimal agriculure is a major cause of global warmig, resposible for more greehouse gas emissios ha he eire rasporaio secor combied. Goig mealess jus oe day a week ca reduce your carbo foopri.

3. I's humae - mea producio is resposible for he sufferig of billios of aimals each year, ad aimal agriculure uses more aural resources ha ay oher idusry. By reducig mea cosumpio, you ca help reduce his uecessary sufferig.

So, come joi us for a #MeaFreeModay! Our meu has bee desiged o be boh healhy ad delicious, usig oly he freshes igredies. Swich o a pla-based die oe day a week, ad you'll sar feelig he differece i your healh ad he world aroud you.